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Welland Well-Being is an holistic well-being practice based in Rutland, I work with clients who are looking for an alternative way to manage their well-being and every day life. You can visit my treatment room in Ketton, Rutland or occasionally I will visit you. With treating your animals I will visit you or a pre arranged venue. You must notify your Veterinary Practice of our appointment.
Every individual is unique which is why I offer various treatments, I understand from my own journey that 'one size does not fit all'. We work in partnership to support the whole body and mind. When working with your animals you may find I will also be working with you as you usually mirror each other and together can often be out of balance.
How I found holistic therapies: After a fall from my pony and eighteen months of post concussion symptoms and no success with conventional methods to help me, a good friend took me to see a wonderful holistic therapist and she gave me so much/relief within an hour it was incredible. Within a few weeks I was up and running again and it was wonderful. Well not quite running but very close to it. I’d felt the wow factor.
I continued with Neuro Muscular Transmission and Reiki with weekly then monthly appointments for a while and gradually these appointments were spread out over longer periods of time. Very soon I was picking up my work again and then began to train to practice Neuro Muscular Transmission and Reiki which was very successful right from the beginning. Once qualified, I began to incorporate it into my freelance training of both rider and horse, this was so lovely to see the partnership of both improve and the benefits of intuitive healing on many levels both physically and emotionally.
In later years I found myself struggling with much discomfort and exhaustion and gave myself some time out to rest and recuperate. Gradually as my health improved again with the support of NMT, I concentrated more on the human side of healing and although my focus is on humans, I find working with animals and their humans plays a large part.
The picture you see of a pony’s ears and a view is one which will stick in my mind for ever. A view of home, the Welland Valley, riding the pony I fell from, in a place I used to ride as a child. We both stopped here for a while, in the here and now and watched and listened on many levels. I had tears running down my face that day, knowing that NMT and Reiki had given me my life back and that I was helping others with their physical and emotional trauma’s.
I am fully insured for all areas of my practice, both Holistic & Equine. Please feel free to ask for a copy of my insurance details to give you peace of mind.
Holistic Insurance Services.
Shearwater Insurance Services Ltd.
I am certified in all of the therapies that I provide, please feel free to ask for a copy of certificates which can be found in my treatment room.
Flagship Training, First Aid at Work Level 3 valid until Aug 2023.
FOFATO Emergency First Aid at Work + Equestrian valid until April 2025.
Copyright © 2024 WELLAND WELL-BEING - All Rights Reserved.